Are onions good or bad for gastritis

Are onions good or bad for gastritis Nutrition

Are onions good or bad for gastritis? Gastritis imposes restrictions on the consumption of many foods. This includes all spicy, sour, sweet, salty foods. This list also includes onions, beloved by many. It is not recommended to use onions and green onions for gastritis, as the product has an irritating effect on the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. If you really want to taste your favorite onion, then choose boiled or baked onions. It does not crunch, and it may not taste as good either, but this form of the product is the most harmless. Is it possible to have onions for gastritis? Read here

Onions for gastritis

Raw onions should be included in the menu with great caution for various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases, the use of this plant for gastritis is not allowed due to the phytoncides and essential oils it contains in excess.

They act aggressively on the inflamed walls of the stomach and intestines, which, moreover, react poorly to rough, fibrous foods. This is how the secretion of hydrochloric acid is activated above normal from the glands located in the surface layer of the epithelium. This can provoke the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane with all the ensuing consequences.

Onions for gastritis

В большинстве случаев лука при гастрите не разрешено из-за содержащихся в нем в избытке фитонцидов и эфирных масел
In most cases, onions with gastritis are not allowed

Still, this sharp and piquant vegetable is very useful, but it should not be abused for gastritis with high acidity. Onions increase gas formation, therefore they are also contraindicated for people prone to flatulence in the intestines caused by dysfunction of the digestive system. The exception is cases when gastritis occurs with low acidity without exacerbations.

Onions are a food rich in microelements. Therefore, you need to know how to eat it correctly so as not to deprive your body of useful substances and not harm your stomach.

Heat treatment is the solution to all problems. It is in this form that onions can be eaten for gastritis and duodenal ulcers. Fried onions are strictly prohibited for any forms of gastritis and its ulcerative manifestations. Pickled and canned onions are also prohibited, in principle, as are any products prepared in this form.

Onions for gastritis with high acidity

What causes increased acidity? It is mainly caused by excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, spicy, salty and fried foods. Vegetables, including onions, also affect the acidity level.

The essential oils and phytoncides contained in its composition irritate the mucous membrane, which ultimately leads to an inflammatory process. It is for this reason that eating leeks raw is undesirable for gastritis. Especially if the disease occurs against a background of increased acidity.

Onions for gastritis with high acidity 9
Onions with gastritis with high acidity should be consumed exclusively in boiled or baked form

This product, which is beneficial for human health, also contains bitter essential oils, so for gastritis with high acidity it should be consumed exclusively in boiled or baked form.

Fresh onions and gastritis

Why is fresh onion strictly prohibited during an exacerbation of the disease? Since it can worsen the patient’s condition and increase the acidity of the stomach, which is very dangerous for those who have excess gastric juice. For gastritis with increased stomach acidity, even during the period of weakening of the disease, onions also remain prohibited. This applies to both white and red onions.

But with low acidity, you can eat green onions or leeks in very small quantities, adding them to salads, soups, and casseroles. In its raw form, the vegetable will even be useful for the stomach to produce a sufficient amount of liquid. In this case, stimulation of the secretion (production) of gastric juice will be useful to the person.

Fresh onions and gastritis
Onions can worsen the patient’s condition and increase the acidity of the stomach

You can take 10 drops of red onion (it is more gentle, unlike white) before meals. Onion juice can improve the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. Or make a red onion infusion. To do this, cut the peeled onion in half and fill it with water.

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Boiled onions for gastritis

Boiled vegetables have a softer consistency and are not crunchy, unlike fresh ones. And it tastes more delicate and sweet, almost devoid of bitterness. It does not irritate the mucous membranes and is perfectly absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use boiled onions for pancreatitis. It will not cause an exacerbation of the disease, unlike fresh. On the contrary, it will provide the body with a large amount of useful substances.

And boiled onions for gastritis are generally one of the mandatory components of therapeutic diets. Boiled onions are also widely used in traditional medicine recipes as a wound healing agent and a drug for the treatment of boils and ulcers.

In addition to the benefits, boiled onions can also cause harm. Especially if you consume it in too large quantities. A boiled vegetable can provoke an attack of flatulence and diarrhea, bloating, and also cause discomfort in the stomach. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to boiled onions. There is also individual intolerance to this product, so you should be more careful when including it in your diet.

Green onions for gastritis

As is known, gastritis is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which, as a rule, is associated with a disruption of the normal secretion of gastric juice – often the tissue begins to secrete large amounts of enzymes and hydrochloric acid, which digest their own gastric cells.

Green onions for gastritis
Raw green onions are contraindicated in gastritis, but there are exceptions

How do green onions affect the digestive tract during gastritis? This product contains some phytoncides and essential oils that irritate the gastric mucosa, which only worsens the situation. Onions stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, increase the acidity of gastric juice, which negatively affects the condition of the tissues of the digestive tract. That is why raw green onions are contraindicated for gastritis. Although there are still some exceptions.

Sometimes doctors still allow you to eat green onions for gastritis. But in this case we are talking only about small quantities of the product. Of course, you cannot eat greens during an exacerbation of the disease – they can be included in the diet only after the main symptoms of inflammation have begun to disappear.

By the way, green onions for gastritis with low acidity are not capable of doing much harm, because in this case the task of treatment, on the contrary, is to activate the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. In addition, this product can be consumed boiled or stewed (for example, in soup) – after heat treatment, the onion loses its irritating properties.

Is it possible to have fried onions for gastritis

For the same diseases, fried onions are strictly prohibited, but for slightly different reasons. Many of the active biological substrates are destroyed during heat treatment, especially such a barbaric one as frying, but not all.

Is it possible to have fried onions for gastritis
In the acute stage and with erosive gastritis, the use of fried onions is especially dangerous

In addition, with most forms of gastritis, eating any fried food is prohibited, since it contains a huge amount of fats and carcinogens, the effect of which on the inflamed mucous membrane cannot be called beneficial. In the acute stage and with erosive gastritis, eating fried onions is especially dangerous.

Is it possible to have baked onions for gastritis

If it is not recommended to consume fresh, fried and boiled vegetables, a logical question arises: is it possible to eat baked onions with gastritis? And here we can truly please fans of this vegetable: when baked, it is allowed for gastritis and even peptic ulcers.

Is it possible to have baked onions for gastritis
In baked form, onions are allowed for gastritis and even for peptic ulcer disease

Moreover, having lost most of the substances that irritate the gastric epithelium, it has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, so baked onions for gastritis are an integral part of the diet menu.

Eating onion peels for gastritis

When cleaning a product, most people throw away the husks. But it also contains a sufficient amount of essential substances that have a beneficial effect on various diseases. In fact, it has the same properties as the entire head.

Thanks to its composition, it has a positive effect not only on certain systems, but also on the entire body. It can be consumed in the same ways and under the same conditions as green or onions.

Eating onion peels for gastritis
The husk can have a negative effect on the already affected gastric mucosa

The husk can have a negative effect on the already damaged gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume it raw in acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases or their exacerbations. It is necessary to take contraindications into account, otherwise the pathology will become more complicated.

Onions contain a large number of important microelements. But it can cause harm to the digestive organs. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to prepare the product correctly and consume it during the permitted phases of the disease.

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Onion jam and gastritis

Nutritionists and gastroenterologists allow boiled onions to be eaten for gastritis, except during periods of exacerbation of the disease. In small quantities, onions can be added to first courses and vegetable stews.

During cooking, the vegetable loses essential oils, which irritate the mucous membrane. Boiled onions increase appetite, so it is often recommended to patients after the exacerbation phase of the disease and for atrophic gastritis (chronic course of the disease).

The onion must be boiled for at least 10-15 minutes. During the period of remission with atrophic gastritis, onions can be stewed along with the main dish. There are many positive reviews about onion jam.

Onion jam and gastritis
Onion jam is useful for gastritis

Making onion jam is very simple, and it brings a lot of benefits:

  • take onions and sugar in equal quantities;
  • Peel the onion and chop in a blender;
  • put chopped onion in a saucepan and cover it with sugar;
  • cook the mixture until the onion darkens;
  • pour the jam into a jar and put it in the refrigerator.

Onion jam is effective for erosive gastritis, characterized by the presence of erosive areas on the inflamed gastric mucosa. Treatment of gastritis with onion jam is quite quick and effective.

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