Gastritis is manifested by many different symptoms, which are characteristic not only for gastrointestinal diseases, but also for general manifestations of diseases. The temperature of gastritis is one of these symptoms, which indicates an unfavorable course of the disease. The temperature of gastric gastritis manifests itself in its various forms: for both chronic and acute gastritis. Many patients are surprised that with gastritis there is a temperature and sometimes they often begin to suspect a number of other diseases. Of course, differential diagnosis is subtle here. Gastritis temperature: elevated and lowered, causes and treatment – read more
Gastritis temperature
The temperature in gastritis is one of the main symptoms of the disease, which signals us about problems in the body. It can rise to 37-38 ° C, it is bad to get off. Patients are often frightened by such values on the thermometer if they last for several days. You need to know why the temperature rises with gastritis, what it indicates, what indicators are critical, how to deal with the symptom.
Gastroenterologists are often interested in whether there can be a temperature with gastritis. The answer to this question is unequivocal – yes, such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in 90% of cases are accompanied by increased body temperature and general weakness.
With the development of chronic gastritis, this symptom is not so active. Another question is whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature, and how to do it. There is no unambiguous opinion here. Listen to the doctor’s recommendations. He will explain how to treat the disease in each case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
Why does the body temperature rise with gastritis
The temperature in gastritis does not happen often. This symptom may characterize an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the stomach or duodenum. Such a disease is always accompanied by inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, an increase in temperature (up to 37 and above) can be with a strong exacerbation of the disease. The body temperature can rise to 37-38 degrees if the body begins an active opposition of the immune system to bacterial effects on the digestive organs. With the active development of harmful helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach, an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees can be a response of the body to the causative agent of the disease.
The temperature with gastritis may be due to food poisoning of the patient, as well as with the simultaneous course of this pathology with other infectious diseases (typhus, dysentery and others). Exacerbation of the symptoms of viral diseases can lead to an increase in such a sign, as well as all the symptoms of gastritis. If the patient has an elevated body temperature, then most of the dyspeptic symptoms occur in an acute form – nausea and vomiting.
A common cause of the manifestation of such a sign is a stomach disease with a low level of acidity. This is due to the fact that hydrochloric acid and enzymes kill most of the viruses and bacteria that can harm the human digestive system. If the production of gastric juice is reduced in the body and the concentration of acid drops, then most of these microorganisms remain intact and settle on the gastric mucosa or penetrate the duodenum.
Pathogenic microflora can lead to disruption of the digestive system, cause inflammation, which will lead to a rapid increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees. With the regular manifestation of such symptoms, pathology can turn into a more dangerous form – acute, chronic or atrophic. The change in temperature may be caused by anemia in the patient’s body.
In children, gastritis can be accompanied by fever after severe nervous stress, as well as due to the use of junk food. Also, an exacerbation of this symptom is observed when erosive lesions or ulcers occur on the mucous membrane and the outer layer of the epithelium. Temperature is not a characteristic symptom of this disease. However, when the disease worsens, many patients complain of fever. The fact is that this symptom may indicate an increase in inflammatory processes in the stomach.
Why does the temperature rise with gastritis
The temperature of gastric gastritis in adults is the most common symptom that manifests itself along with abdominal pain. In this way, the body reacts to the inflammatory process that is actively developing inside. Most patients take their health lightly. Feeling abdominal pain, they prefer to take a painkiller pill and continue their usual life. This happens until the moment when the pain can no longer be tolerated, or when other symptoms join.
During this period, the active production of alpha interferon is started. This substance is produced by the organs of the immune system, it allows you to fight viruses and bacteria. Its synthesis is possible only when the body temperature rises above 37 ° C. For this reason, doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature below 38.6 ° C for respiratory infections. In this way, the body independently copes with the pathogens of infection without additional medications.
With gastritis, a slightly different principle applies. In rare cases, pathogenic microorganisms provoke the disease. Inflammation develops for a number of reasons:
- Improper nutrition;
- Esophageal injuries;
- Stress;
- Bad habits;
- Concomitant ailments.
An increase in body temperature in chronic gastritis: causes
Patients who have faced such a problem at least once know that gastritis can be acute and chronic. If the disease develops for the first time, then this form is called acute. It is in the patient’s interests and strength to make efforts so that the disease does not become chronic. This form of the disease acquires if the patient suffers from its manifestations 3-4 times a year. Getting rid of chronic gastritis is much more difficult.
Elevated temperature can develop in both forms, but in the acute course of the disease it is higher, easier to get off and no longer grows.
Patients are often interested in whether the temperature is from gastritis, which takes place in a chronic form. This phenomenon does not occur often, but you need to know that any violation of the regime established by the doctor can cause the temperature. The following reasons for the appearance of the described phenomenon are possible:
- An increase in temperature with gastritis is most often caused by improper nutrition, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.
- With gastric gastritis, some patients consume a large amount of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol causes additional irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, expands the area of inflammation.
- Smoking can become a factor causing the body temperature to rise in a patient with esophageal lesions.
- With a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, fever may rise due to a violation of the diet, for example, with irregular nutrition.
- Some medications that the patient takes may affect the development of processes in the patient’s esophagus, which will cause stomach pain, cause the temperature to rise.
- Frequent stressful situations can give a fever with gastritis.
Maybe when the patient’s body temperature rises above 37 ° C, he will feel chills. If this happens, then you need to see a doctor urgently. This indicator indicates the presence of another disease in the patient besides gastritis.
Increased body temperature in acute gastritis
The disease begins acutely and is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome, the pain is localized in the epigastric region. The main symptomatic manifestations of the disease are: a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, lack of appetite, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching, nausea, vomiting with impurities of mucus and bile, diarrhea, bloating, rumbling in the stomach, flatulence, fever, general weakness, dizziness, headaches.
Often patients ask if there can be a temperature in acute gastritis. This type of disease develops suddenly. The patient feels severe pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting begins. A white or yellow plaque forms on the tongue. The patient complains of heartburn.
All these symptoms may be accompanied by an increase in temperature in the following cases:
- Infection of mucous membranes with pathogenic bacteria.
- Severe poisoning.
- Dysentery, typhoid fever and other diseases that develop against the background of an existing lesion of the esophagus. The temperature rises to 38…39°C.
A fluctuation in the patient’s body temperature during the vomiting process with the release of a small amount of blood can be recorded. This occurs with an exacerbation of gastritis, which occurs against the background of bleeding in the esophagus. The temperature may rise due to the appearance of ulcers on the mucous surfaces of a sick stomach. The condition requires urgent treatment.
Maximum permissible indicators of elevated temperature in gastritis
With gastritis, the body temperature rarely rises above 38 ° C. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. High indicators indicate that another infection has joined the body. During illnesses, the immune system noticeably weakens due to constant struggle. The barrier of protection becomes fragile, it is easily overcome by viruses and bacteria. The indicators on the thermometer 38-39 ° C indicate that the patient urgently needs to see a doctor.
If the temperature is kept at 38-38 ° C, then this indicates sluggish inflammation. Gastritis develops gradually, covers all or part of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Without additional therapeutic measures, the inflammation will not disappear, and the temperature can stay at this level for several days or even weeks.
Its danger is that the work of all systems and functions is disrupted at the same time, it will take longer to recover. The patient constantly feels weakness, headache. It’s hard for him to get out of bed. Apathy and instant fatigue are the main manifestations of this condition. If the temperature with gastritis lasts for a long time, then the patient can only be helped in the hospital.
Can there be a low body temperature with gastritis
Usually, patients are afraid of increased body temperature with gastritis, although it is not uncommon for it to fall below normal values. Because of this condition, it is worth worrying much more. If you see values of 36-36.4 ° C on the thermometer, then this indicates general fatigue, loss of strength.The body simply refuses to fight, its immunity is weakened. A person “catches” any viruses, bacteria, he often gets sick, recovers for a long time. At the same time, it is necessary to look for the root cause of this condition, and not to treat the manifestations.
Similar symptoms are often observed in chronic gastritis. If the patient does not adhere to a diet, does not follow the recommendations of the attending physician, his body gets used to living in conditions of constant tension, chronic inflammatory process.
The patient no longer even feels pain. Up to a certain point, he is sure that everything is fine, but the body’s resources are not unlimited, so at one point he gives up. Usually, the temperature rarely rises at first, and then it also suddenly drops and stays at a low level.
Elevated temperature in gastritis: what to do, treatment
Treatment of gastritis and fever in this disease can be complex and symptomatic. If you just drink painkillers and antipyretics, the symptoms will disappear for a while, but the disease will not go away.
Many measures must be used:
- Take anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Use enzymes that facilitate the process of digestion of food;
- Use a complex diet.
Antipyretics can also be used during this period, but remember that an excessive amount of medicines negatively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Bitterness in the mouth with gastritis
Medications for lowering body temperature in gastritis
Do not use outdated methods of bringing down the temperature – taking analgin with aspirin, injections of analgin with diphenhydramine. There are more modern and safer drugs that have the same effect – paracetamol and ibuprofen. Both of these drugs have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. It is advisable to choose a remedy in the form of a suspension, it will be absorbed by the body faster. If the inflammation in the stomach is strong, then it is better to bring down the temperature with the help of rectal suppositories. Candles with ibuprofen or paracetamol as an active ingredient are offered in any pharmacy.
It is not necessary to use funds based on nimesulide. They effectively, quickly and permanently bring down the temperature, but negatively affect the liver. These drugs can be used as an emergency if the patient has no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
How to reduce body temperature with gastritis with folk remedies
If you do not want to abuse pharmaceuticals, then you can use folk remedies to reduce the temperature. Raspberry leaf tea or raspberry jam will help in this. It can be used in small quantities for gastritis. It is better to drink a decoction or tea at night.
You can drink milk with honey, but dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Daily consumption of lime tea does not harm health, knocks down fever and fights inflammatory processes. Be sure to ask the doctor what traditional medicine can be used in your case. He will give recommendations, will constantly monitor the dynamics of treatment in order to change the therapy regimen if necessary.
Consequences of increased body temperature in gastritis
If you do not pay attention to the concomitant symptoms of gastritis, hoping that everything will pass by itself, you can start the disease so much that it will develop into an ulcer. With a prolonged increase in body temperature, the neurons of the brain are gradually destroyed, the patient has neurological problems, in addition to the main symptoms of gastritis.
Even if the temperature with gastritis is kept at 37 ° C, this is not normal. Such a condition should be paid attention to and adequately respond to it. only competent treatment by an experienced doctor will give positive results.
Some recommendations for patients
It is better not to try to deal with the described phenomenon on your own. The patient must undergo a full examination, which will show the cause of fever and fever. It is impossible to use such means as ACC or Teraflu, as they have a number of side effects that will provoke the transition of the acute phase of the disease into a chronic form.
There are people who try to fight the disease with the help of folk remedies, for example, they use tea with lemon or raspberry. But such remedies do not always help, since the development of gastritis and temperature most often does not occur simultaneously. The patient thinks he has a cold, takes measures, but they do not bring relief. To remove an unpleasant symptom, you need to consult your doctor.
Read more: Diagnosis of gastritis