If the acidity of gastritis is increased, then this can cause unpleasant symptoms, cause serious pain and even pose a threat to human life. Gastritis with high acidity can cause heart and joint diseases, disrupt the excretory system, cough, weaken the immune system. In no case do not joke with this form of gastritis, follow the diet and the prescriptions of the attending physician. At home, you can practice the treatment of gastritis with increased acidity with folk remedies, in particular, herbal collections. More information gastritinfo.com.
Varieties of gastritis
There are several types of gastritis. If we classify this disease by reason of occurrence, then there are three types:
- Type A, when gastritis is caused by the genetic characteristics of the body. In this case, immune cells attack the cells of the gastric mucosa, disrupting its work and integrity.
- Type B. Gastritis in this case is caused by the release of bile from the duodenum into the stomach, bacterial infection with Helicobacter Pylori or other causes that arise due to concomitant diseases.
- Type C. Poisoning with drugs, chemicals, alcohol and similar aggressive substances leads to the occurrence of gastritis of this type.
There are also two forms of gastritis: acute and chronic. They differ in the course of the disease and symptoms. Qualitative diagnostics will help to correctly determine the type of gastritis that has arisen in order to prescribe adequate treatment depending on the specifics of the organ lesion.
Causes of increased acidity in the stomach
The causes of increased acidity are divided into two groups: internal causes and external
The most common external causes:
- smoking;
- alcohol consumption;
- a large amount of food eaten;
- food irritating the mucous membrane (very hot, spicy, fatty and spicy dishes);
- work, which is associated with chemicals;
- self-medication or improper administration of antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and other medications.
The most common internal causes of increased acidity of the stomach:
- chronic infectious diseases in the body;
- parasitic infestations;
- genetic predisposition of the body;
- metabolic disorders in the body;
- long-lasting oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of organs and tissues of the body;
- impaired functioning of internal organs;
- lack of the body of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Symptoms of gastritis with high acidity
Signs of gastritis may differ depending on the form of the disease. It is known that the symptoms of gastritis manifest themselves in different ways. It is logical that the symptoms of the acute form are more painful and manifest themselves more persistently. Chronic gastritis in most cases is almost asymptomatic.
A patient with a chronic form of the disease may feel symptoms of gastritis after an abundant feast or a large amount of alcohol. Let’s look at several symptoms of gastritis with increased acidity in more detail.
A patient with acute gastritis with high acidity has the following symptoms:
- Heartburn. As a rule, constant heartburn signals about the disease. It becomes especially painful within an hour after eating. It is heartburn that indicates an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. Heartburn is a feeling of something burning and unpleasant, baking the esophagus, which rises from the stomach to the throat. This is the casting of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus.
- Pain in the stomach area. Dull aching pain in the left hypochondrium indicates the presence of acute gastritis. Very often, heartburn affects people who consume a lot of flour and meat, without attaching special importance to their diet of greens and fresh vegetables.
- Stomach pains at night. As a rule, they are caused by the secretion of gastric juice, and since the acidity is increased, this leads to painful sensations.
- Stomach pains that worsen when you feel hungry.
- Belching with a sour taste.
- Nausea. The patient is worried about nausea in the morning before eating. It also manifests itself if the break between meals is too long.
- Vomiting. This symptom appears after eating a large amount of acidic food.
- Bloating, constipation, flatulence.
- Increased or no appetite.
- People with high stomach acidity often suffer from constipation and other unpleasant sensations in the intestines: pain, bloating, heaviness, etc. The tongue with high acidity is always overlaid with a white coating, sometimes grayish in color.
Chronic gastritis with increased acidity of the stomach has the same symptoms, but it does not always manifest itself. The causes of the disease may be overeating, bad habits, poor quality food, poisoning and similar eating disorders.
The main symptom of such gastritis is pain in the “pit of the stomach”, which are in the nature of pulling, aching or dull painful sensations. Basically, a person begins to feel such unpleasant manifestations some time after eating. There can be a lot of reasons for this, one of which is the use of fatty and acidic foods, as well as dishes with an abundance of spices.
After eating, with increased acidity of gastric juice, acidic belching and a feeling of nausea, as well as heaviness in the stomach, may appear. Infrequent, but sometimes symptoms with such gastritis are severe nausea and vomiting some time after eating.
What is the danger of increased acidity in the stomach
When the acid-base balance of the body is disturbed, there are such unpleasant consequences for the body:
- cells decrease their ability to recover;
- the body’s defenses decrease;
- joint pains appear;
- periodic headaches appear;
- timely bowel emptying is disrupted;
- the general metabolism in the body is disrupted;
- various allergic manifestations appear.
If you eat a lot of acidifying foods, you also disrupt the water balance in the body, acidification processes occur, as a result of which oxygen enters all tissues and organs worse, and minerals and vitamins begin to be absorbed much worse. Some of them are quite important for health, and are not digested at all, especially magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium.
As a result, this leads to disorders in the form of vascular and heart diseases, the immune system becomes much weaker, especially compared to a person whose stomach pH is normal.Medical terminology calls increased acidity acidosis.
If we describe the consequences of acidosis in a more detailed form, then we can determine the following violations:
- weight gain, a set of extra pounds up to the diagnosis of “obesity”;
- creating a beneficial environment for the development of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi in the body;
- sand collects in the kidneys, and kidney stones form;
- diabetes mellitus develops;
- toxins and poisons critically accumulate in the body;
- the harmful effect of free radicals gradually increases, which is why there is a great danger the occurrence of cancer;
- there is a strong weakness in the body, which does not go away even after a person has had a good rest;
- there are serious problems with falling asleep;
- there is increased nervous excitability;
- bones become brittle, and there is a great danger of osteoporosis, as the body tries to normalize the pH level on its own, “taking” calcium from the bones.
Increased gastric acidity in children
In childhood, increased acidity of the stomach is not uncommon.
The causes of the disease at such an early age can be:
- passion for “wrong food” (chips, crackers, snacks, etc.);
- frequent use of soda (Coca-Cola, pepsi, etc.);
- food “on the run”, passion for fast food;
- stress and mental stress;
- lack of nutrition.
- Signs of increased acidity in children are almost the same as in adults:
- acid belching;
- digestive disorders (constipation can be replaced by diarrhea);
- heartburn;
- periodic causeless temperature of about 37°C.
With timely treatment initiated, as well as with the observance of the diet and exercise, it is possible to prevent the development of more complex stomach diseases. The main thing is to stabilize the acidity in time even before the pathological changes in the mucosa begin.
Increased stomach acidity during pregnancy
Discomfort and digestive problems during pregnancy occur in almost every woman. The main reason for this phenomenon can be considered compression of the growing uterus of internal organs (especially in the third trimester).
During pregnancy, the following symptoms may occur:
- heartburn (regardless of the meal, or after it);
- nausea;
- heaviness in the stomach, even after eating a small amount of food;
- difficulty swallowing;
- feeling of general discomfort;
- belching with acid.
During pregnancy, the doctor is unlikely to resort to complex treatment. Most often, he prescribes compliance with the daily routine and nutrition. If you eat properly and little by little during pregnancy, then after childbirth the condition usually normalizes and the acidity returns to normal.
Lowering the acidity of the stomach at home
Acidity is the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach juice. It is produced by glands located on the mucous membrane of the organ.
If there are failures in their work, then the amount of acid decreases or increases. As a result, the acidity will be reduced or increased, respectively. In this case, you should take medications that normalize acid production or treat with folk remedies. Increased acidity occurs most often in people suffering from gastroenterological disorders.
Such a phenomenon can occur as a result of a number of reasons:
- gastritis, which has turned into an acute form;
- peptic ulcer;
- the patient has reflux disease;
- the patient suffers from a hernia of the esophagus in the thoracic region;
- pathological processes occurring in the pancreas or liver;
- the patient received a burn of the digestive mucosa;
- the patient has poisoning with harmful toxic agents;
- the patient’s endocrine system is malfunctioning;
- the patient has been diagnosed with stomach cancer;
- the patient suffers from heart and vascular diseases.
An increase in acidity can occur not only as a result of the disease, but also under the influence of other factors.
They are most often associated with the patient’s lifestyle:
- the patient has an improperly organized diet, he does not follow a diet, often eats dry;
- the patient often snacks, resulting in impaired secretion of gastric juice;
- frequent intake of alcoholic beverages, very strong coffee or tea, smoking provoke an increase in acidity;
- some medications can change the level of acidity;
- the patient has vitamin deficiency;
- the patient is often in stressful situations.
Diet with increased stomach acidity
The therapeutic diet, which will contribute to a speedy recovery, implies that everything fatty, spicy, smoked will be categorically excluded from your diet, and the consumption of flour and sweet will be reduced to a minimum:
- Soups on lean broth, porridges on water, stewed vegetables and vegetable purees, as well as steamed vegetables are highly recommended.
- Any liquid food is very welcome. Since it contributes to the maximum relief of all digestive processes.
- Fried and too dry, solid food, rich meat broths are excluded.
- Meat should be lean, broths are cooked on lean meat.
- Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice are great for cereals. It is advisable to cook porridges not crumbly, but “smudge”, so it will be easier and faster for the stomach to digest everything.
Everything is prepared with a minimum amount of oil, without “frying”. All vegetables are suitable that do not cause unpleasant symptoms after eating them. Pumpkin, beets, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli cabbage, rutabaga are welcome. Exclude radish, radish, sorrel, onion and garlic. It is necessary to ensure that the diet has enough coarse vegetable fiber from fresh herbs and vegetables.
- Until there is an improvement. You should be careful with berries and fruits, especially sour ones.
- When cooking, it is advisable to use high-quality vegetable oil. Olive, flaxseed, sesame are especially good.
- During the period of exacerbation, it is better not to salt the dishes at all.
- Weak green tea, jelly and compotes based on sweet fruits are desirable from drinks. Coffee is categorically excluded, as it contributes to an increase in acidity in the stomach.
- Do not use any sweet carbonated drinks. When using mineral water, it is better to release gas from it beforehand.
- Fractional meals are recommended several times a day in small portions.
- If you overeat, the symptoms of increased acidity may worsen.
- Healthy and healthy desserts should be consumed from sweets, excluding store-bought chocolate, sweets and cookies.
- Store-bought mayonnaise, sauces, ketchup, pastries and black bread are also excluded.
- The diet can include milk and dairy products, cottage cheese is very good.
- Mineral water “Borjomi” and “Polyana Kvasova” should be taken before meals, for half an hour-an hour.
Bad habits that interfere with the process of recovery from gastritis with high acidity. Bad habits in the form of smoking, alcohol, drinking coffee, late dinners, eating at night and overeating should be strictly excluded once and for all.
Treatment of hyperacidity in gastritis
Treatment of gastritis with increased acidity of the stomach is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis is made. Self-treatment of gastritis is not recommended, as the disease can lead to more serious problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
As a rule, the medical treatment of gastritis consists of several groups of medications that the patient needs to take:</ strong>
- painkillers;
- antacids — reduce the acidity of gastric juice;
- proton pump blockers — medications that affect the amount of gastric juice excretion, reducing it;
- antibiotics if the gastrointestinal tract is infected with a bacterial infection helicobacter pylori;
- protective agents for the gastric mucosa.
Among the medicines that can eliminate unpleasant sensations, it is worth noting the following:
- antihistamines, such as Kvamatel, Ranitidine, Famotidine. These pills have a low price, while they are very effective. They are not recommended to drink for a long time, as there will be a failure in the production of hormones;
- Omez, Omeprazole — medications that will effectively eliminate unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area;
- antacid drugs — Almagel, Maalox, Phosphalyugel. Tablets neutralize acid, which is formed more than normal. Instead of these medications, you can take chalk, soda, kaolin — their effect is similar to medications;
- Motilium is able to quickly reduce acidity. In addition, the medicine will help the rapid promotion of food products into the intestines, eliminate stomach pain;
- Mezim, Festal — preparations containing enzymes. Tablets help to eliminate burning in the stomach, pain, restore the mucous membrane;
- Smekta is a drug that envelops the walls of the digestive system, food products will not have a negative effect on the mucous membrane.
Together with taking medication or with a decoction of herbs, the patient is recommended to follow a diet, i.e. eat right.
From time to time it is necessary to undergo an examination, monitor the condition of your body.
Read more: Types of acidity in gastritis
Folk remedies treatment
It is also possible to achieve effective treatment of gastritis with high acidity with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Be sure to consult a doctor before using infusions and decoctions.
Garden purslane. With increased acidity in the stomach, take 1 tbsp.l. herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes on low heat. Strain. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day before eating.
Birch buds. Take 50 grams of dried birch buds, pour them 0.5 liters of vodka. Place the tincture in a dark place for 10 days. It is necessary to take the medicine 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 0.5-1 tablespoon.
Drink freshly squeezed potato and carrot juices on an empty stomach.
Collecting herbs. It is necessary to mix 3-4 g of pharmacy chamomile flowers, wild rowan flowers, dill seeds, field mustard seeds, sage leaves, thyme (grass). This mixture must be crushed into powder. Dissolve 1 tsp of powder in water and drink. Do this three times a day 10 minutes before meals.
Gastritis with high acidity requires close attention and treatment. The combination of medication, diet and folk recipes will lead to a stable remission of the acute form of gastritis and significantly improve the course of the chronic disease. Remember that the good condition of the whole organism depends on the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
Read more: Erosive gastritis of the stomach