Gastritis is a disease that imposes certain restrictions on lifestyle and eating behavior. Everyone needs to know what adults and children can eat with gastritis if they have symptoms of gastritis. In the treatment of gastritis, it is possible and necessary to adhere to dietary nutrition, in all types of diets, the use of low-fat pureed food with a small amount of salt is recommended, as well as the exclusion of fried, sweet, smoked and salted. Check out the menu that can be used for gastritis. Read more
What can I eat with gastritis
It is necessary to know how to eat properly with gastritis, since the course of the disease, the condition of the patient himself, caused by improper nutrition or stress, or smoking, or alcohol abuse, depends on it.The main symptoms of gastritis are heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms may be pain in the upper abdomen and upset stools.
Gastritis can be treated with medication, but many unpleasant symptoms of gastritis can be eliminated by following the correct diet.
Firstly, nutrition for gastritis should fit into the scheme – often, but in small portions. Often it’s five or six times a day. At the same time, at least three hours should pass between two meals. It is better if the last meal is no later than four hours before you go to bed.
Secondly, if you have high acidity, that is, there is a violation of the normal course of the processes of production and neutralization of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, you need to take additional actions to reduce the activity of gastric juice. This means that it is necessary to exclude from the diet any food that can become a causative agent of gastric secretion. For example, carbonated water, citrus fruits, as well as juices made on their basis, coffee, black bread, and of course – alcohol.
Thirdly, any food that can somehow damage the gastric mucosa should be excluded from the diet for gastritis. Such as: very hot or very cold food, food with coarse fibrous fiber, for example, turnips, stringy meat or bread with bran. For the same reason, you need to give up everything that is fried in oil.
Fourth, when thinking about how to eat with gastritis, do not forget to also introduce into your diet such foods that help digestion. For example, vegetable juices – potato or carrot. They can be consumed separately or mixed in different proportions. It is better to drink such juices on an empty stomach.
It is important to remember the following rule: concentrated juices will reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Diluted juice will, on the contrary, increase the acidity. And, finally, fifthly, in the diet for gastritis, preference should be given to food that is cooked on water or steamed. It is also desirable that it has a so-called “gentle consistency”, that is, it is puree-like or semi-liquid.
Gastritis: what can I eat
To determine the presence of the disease, it is not enough just to analyze the symptoms – pain in the stomach, dyspepsia, etc. It is necessary to undergo a number of diagnostic studies – endoscopy, biopsy from various gastric departments, blood analysis – general and biochemical, fecal analysis. It is also necessary to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach, the degree of acidity of gastric juice.
Ultrasound of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are performed to detect concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After determining the degree of mucosal lesion, a gastroenterologist draws up a strategy for treating the disease.Also, the disease can have two forms, depending on the acidity of gastric juice. With one, the secretory function of the mucosa is reduced, and with the other, it is increased or is normal.
In accordance with these, gastric juice may have a reduced or increased acidity. A special kind of the first type of disease is atrophic. Most often, the atrophic type of the disease occurs in old age. The disease, accompanied by increased acidity, usually affects middle-aged patients.
There are also acute and chronic forms of the disease. The acute form usually develops against the background of taking toxic substances, certain medications, severe systemic diseases of the body, metabolic disorders.
Nutrition for gastritis
However, medications alone cannot cure the disease. The patient’s nutrition is also of great importance in the treatment of the disease. In some types of disease, diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of the disease.
Before proceeding to the description of diets, it should be noted that it is important not only what a person eats, but also how he consumes food. In most types of the disease, fractional nutrition is indicated – 5-6 times a day. At the same time, the interval between meals should be 3-4 hours. It is desirable to eat every day at the same time. You can not eat dry, during the day you should consume a large amount of clean water (excluding drinks and liquid dishes).
Also, you should not make snacks on the run, in a hurry. Food must be chewed thoroughly. It is important to remember that breakfast should be full, and not consist of one cup of coffee or tea. On the other hand, you can not eat a lot at night, the break between the evening meal and bedtime should be at least 3 hours. The temperature of the food taken also matters. It should be neither too hot nor too cold. It is best to eat at room temperature (+30-40 ° C).
Do not use long-lying and expired products. Eating stale food can worsen the course of the disease. Perishable products should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days.
Prohibited and permitted varieties of products for diseases with low acidity
Products | Allowed | Forbidden |
Bakery products | Crackers, dried bread, loaf | Fresh and yeast pastries, puffs, muffins |
Cereals | Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat | Millet, barley groats |
Soups | Vegetable, fish soup | Sour cabbage soup and borscht, pickle soup, soups with millet or tomato juice |
Vegetables | All, with the exception of prohibited, boiled or baked | Cucumbers, radishes, onions, sweet peppers, garlic, any pickled vegetables |
Mushrooms | No | Everything in any form |
Eggs | In the form of an omelet or soft-boiled | Hard-boiled |
Fruits, berries and dried fruits | All but forbidden, without peel, ripe, fresh or baked | Figs, prunes, all unripe fruits, berries with small seeds |
Drinks | Weakly brewed herbal teas, non-acidic juices, fruit drinks | grape juice and cranberry juice |
Prohibited and permitted types of products for diseases with high acidity
Products | Allowed | Forbidden |
Bakery products | Crackers, dried bread | Fresh and yeast pastries, puffs, muffins, rye dough products |
Cereals | Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina | Millet, corn, pearl barley, barley cereals |
Vegetables | Pumpkin, carrots, peas, zucchini, cauliflower | Cabbage, spinach, onion, garlic, hot pepper, all vegetables in pickled form |
Meat | Veal, turkey, lean chicken | Fatty meats, grilled or crusted meat, pork |
Mushrooms | No | Everything in any form |
Fish | Low-fat varieties (pike perch, hake, cod) | Fatty varieties (salmon), salted fish |
Fruit | Non-acidic varieties | Sour varieties, all citrus fruits, dried fruits |
Desserts | Jelly, marmalades, marshmallows | Chocolate, ice cream |
Dairy products | Cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, milk | Sour cottage cheese, fat cheese, kefir, sour cream |
Gastritis diet what you can
In order to form the optimal variant of dietary nutrition, the specialist necessarily takes into account the condition of the gastric mucosa, the amount of secretions produced. To continue the normal activity of the body, it must receive a sufficient amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates.
There are various forms of gastritis, where the main indicator is the level of acidity in the stomach. For each type, its own recommendations have been developed, which the patient should adhere to. The measurement takes place by pH-metry.
Gastritis diet with high acidity that can be
In this case, the task of each specialist is not only to restore the normal state of the gastric mucosa, but also to reduce the level of acidity.
It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- the use of low-fat milk;
- a moderate amount of yogurt or yogurt will favorably affect the condition of the mucous membrane, and it is better to refuse kefir;
- eating cottage cheese in the form of casseroles and souffles will have a beneficial effect on the body;
- during the week, you can eat no more than three hard-boiled eggs or an omelet; fruits are also useful for the body, but non-acidic varieties of apples, peaches, pears. It is forbidden to eat grapes, melon and all citrus fruits;
- bread can be consumed only in the form of crackers or yesterday’s bread;
- soups on lean meat or vegetable broth, but it is not recommended to add white cabbage;
- lean meats (chicken breast, beef);
- butter oil with a small amount of salt. Jelly, compotes, juices.
Basically, only liquid porridges and soups are allowed, and second courses are served in the form of mashed potatoes so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa anymore
Gastritis diet with low acidity that can be
The main purpose of the developed nutrition program is to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stimulate the production of gastric juice.
Therefore, the use of products involved in stimulation is extremely important to restore normal operation:
- the use of milk is allowed only as one of the ingredients of the dish. For example, in the preparation of porridge;
- fermented milk products (including the use of cottage cheese) have a beneficial effect on the work of the body;
- you can use no more than one egg per day in the form of an omelet or hard-boiled;
fruits should also be added to the diet in the form of apples (preferably sour), bananas. It is not allowed to eat grapes.
Gastritis diet with atrophic form that can be
In most cases, diet No. 2 is prescribed. The use of a dietary diet is aimed at improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restoring damaged mucosa.
Recommended diet:
- bread must be stale, you can use crackers;
- meat only stewed or steamed, should not contain a large amount of fat. These types include white chicken meat, beef, turkey, low-fat pate;
- only low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, pink salmon); hard-boiled eggs and omelette;
- cereals (rice, buckwheat, hercules); low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, butter);
- vegetables (cabbage, carrots, potatoes, beets, cucumbers);
- fruit purees, juices and smoothies;
- jam and honey.
When the disease is at the stage of exacerbation, doctors recommend using only liquid on the first day at all to relieve the gastrointestinal tract. Further, during the first days, only a strict diet should be observed. Basically, only liquid porridges and soups are allowed, and the second courses are served in the form of mashed potatoes, so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa anymore.
What can be done in the treatment of gastritis
A therapeutic diet for gastritis is prescribed depending on the form of the disease. How long does the gastritis diet last? This is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s state of health. Diet in the treatment of gastric gastritis is, first of all, natural products in the diet.
For those with gastritis, the following rules are relevant:
- dietary nutrition for gastritis should be gentle: no hard-to-digest and gas-forming products. The food should be ground. Fractional and frequent meals are recommended (one serving is no more than a dessert plate). The optimal break between meals is 3-4 hours;
- cooking method: steaming, baking, boiling. It is unacceptable to fry food;
- hot and cold food should be excluded from the diet. Drink tea warm, but not hot;
- meat soups are cooked exclusively on the second broth.
Is it possible to have sweets for gastritis? With some types of this disease, pastilles, jelly of their own manufacture, delicious homemade marmalade are allowed. But chocolate and muffins are prohibited. Only a strict diet for gastritis will help overcome the disease. With different forms of gastritis, treatment and diet should be followed.
What is possible in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity (hyperacid gastritis)
Hyperacid gastritis – characterized by increased acidity. Hyperacid gastritis implies a gentle diet. Products that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, activate the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice should be excluded from the diet.
The diet for hyperacid gastritis includes such products as:
- boiled semolina, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge with milk;
- casserole-souffle of cottage cheese without seasonings. The optimal way of cooking is steamed;
- meat (chicken, rabbit, beef) is allowed only in ground form and steamed.
- fish is consumed in the form of cutlets cooked in a steamer. White lean fish without bones is used for minced meat. Spices are prohibited.
- vegetables consumed on a diet should not be sour, without skin, ground into a homogeneous puree;
- eggs can only be eaten soft-boiled.
Sweets, including jelly, as well as milk jelly are prohibited.
What is possible in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity (hyperplastic gastritis)
Hyperplastic gastritis is a chronic disease characterized by low acidity. Hyperplastic gastritis is dangerous, because due to the defeat of the gastric mucosa, benign neoplasms – cysts and polyps – form on it. Hyperplastic gastritis may not make itself felt for a long time. One of the effective methods of its treatment is a properly selected diet.
The diet for hyperplastic gastritis includes fermented milk products and milk in small quantities. Among the permitted dairy products is cottage cheese with sour cream and raisins. Non-strong tea with milk and cocoa is also allowed. Gelatin is allowed in the preparation of dishes. Meat and fish can be eaten in a non-crushed form. Baking without a crust is acceptable.
Soups can be cooked in broth, but porridge should be boiled well. When cooking, it is necessary to use 0.5-1 tbsp. more water than is recommended for the preparation of a particular cereal. Among the prohibited products: fruits and berries with small stones (currants, raspberries, gooseberries). And also, dates, figs, grapes, onions, garlic and radish.
What is possible in the treatment of acute gastritis
In acute gastritis, doctors recommend that you give up food for the first day, and drink only not hot teas and not carbonated water. With an attack of gastritis, painkillers can be injected. In the future, before the exacerbation is removed, you need to follow a diet for gastritis. Viscous food is recommended for use – these are jelly, oatmeal porridge, boiled eggs and liquid mashed potatoes. Potatoes in large quantities are difficult to digest, so they should not be abused.
When the acute stage is over, you can include in the diet:
- low-fat porridge on water;
- egg white or soft-boiled egg. Hard-boiled egg is prohibited;
- vegetable soups;
- meatballs or steamed cutlets made from dietary meat: rabbit, chicken, turkey;
- low-fat cottage cheese and natural yogurt without additives;
- baked apples, bananas;
- biscuits.
What products can be used for gastritis
If a patient has been diagnosed with gastritis, then he should include in the diet such types of products as:
- various cereals, for example, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
- pastries made of wheat flour, can also be used for food products made of rye flour (only second or third grade);
- soups on light broth, you can use a second broth or vegetable-based broth, usually pasta or various cereals are added to such soups;
- fermented milk products containing a minimum amount of fat;
- meat should be preferred to rabbit or turkey, low-fat fish varieties can also be used;
- natural cow’s milk;
- olive or sunflower oil, which has been processed and has no smell;
- natural bee honey without additives;
- vegetables in baked, stewed or boiled form;
- marshmallows and marshmallows are allowed from sweets;
- berries and fruits are useful. but only if they have a sweet taste (the peel must be removed from the fruit).
It is very important to follow a table 5 diet for gastric gastritis, we offer a simple menu option for a week that can be used at home. Pasta and various cereals are usually used as side dishes here, and drinks can be prepared independently. It is useful to make sweet compotes, medicinal infusions and fruit drinks.
Read more: Types of acidity in gastritis